Day 12 | Google Analytics Tutorial For Beginners | Learn Step By Step |30 Day SEO Challenge


Welcome to Day 12 of the 30 Day SEO Challenge! Today's tutorial takes you into the beginner world of Google Analytics. You could be a newcomer to SEO, or just need to know a bit more to get better. Either way, this beginner step-by-step tutorial will take you through everything you need to start using Google Analytics.
To get started, the first thing to do is sign up for a Google Analytics account. Just go to the Google Analytics website and sign in with your Google id. You will have to set up a the category like property, that is, your website. Installing the tracking code is important. If you are on a data management system like WordPress, you can easily install this code by a plugin or by manually the header file of your theme. Each part of it offers helpful information. The Real-Time report reveals active users on your site and which pages they're visiting. Next, check out the Acquisition section, which divides where your traffic is originating from, be it organic search, direct traffic, social media. Next, check out the Acquisition section, which divides where your traffic is generated from, be it organic search, direct traffic, social media, or referrals. To set up goals, access the Admin part, select Goals in the View column, and define success on your site. Use dashboards and notifications to monitor essential measurements on a day-to-day basis. Finally, integrating Google Analytics can provide additional insights into SEO performance, such as keyword positioning and site exposure in search outcomes.

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